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2020 – 2021 school year enrollment starts!




然而鉴于加州目前疫情没有好转的迹象,经过仔细研究、综合评估各方面的利与弊,考虑到survey结果大部分家庭希望继续网上教学,启明决定2020-2021先以网课开始, 随时跟踪疫情的发展,在情况允许的时候迎接学生返回校园。


2020-2021学年8/17/2020开学,6/4/2021 放假。报名从即日开始,优惠期7/31/2020周五截至,8/13/2020-8/14/2020领取材料。

目前我们邻里很多学校的课表还没有出来,现在先报课后班,等每个学校的课表都基本出来之后, 再开始报选修课,敬请关注。

报名链接如下,欢迎大家尽早报名,享受学费优惠。也欢迎大家介绍新学生进来,每介绍一位新学生,您和新学生各获得 $100 介绍费。






Hello everyone!

The EES summer classes have received a lot of great feedback, as students have improved their studies in numerous fields. In the coming 2020 – 2021 school year, we will continue to do our utmost best to provide our students with the highest quality of education.

EES has already rearranged all the desks in each and every classroom to maintain social distancing. We have also prepared face masks, hand sanitizers, thermometers, and other safety necessities.

We have detailed plans for cleaning/disinfecting classrooms, helping students maintain physical distancing inside and outside classrooms, daily hygiene, campus access, etc, to prevent the spread of the virus.

However, due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in California, as well as many parents hoping to continue online classes in the fall, EES has decided that the 2020 – 2021 school year will begin with distance learning first and resume in-person classes when circumstances permit.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our survey and provide us with valuable feedback. If you have any other suggestions, please email our office at any time.

The 2020 – 2021 school year will begin on 8/17/2020 and end on 6/4/2021. Registration begins today, priority registration ends on Friday, 7/31/2020, and material pick-up is from 8/13- 8/14/2020.

Currently, many of the schools in our neighboring districts, as well as nearby private schools, have not yet released their bell schedules. Thus, registration will first open for our after-school program that offers Chinese and math classes. Once the bell schedule is released, we will start registration for elective classes.

The registration form is below. We encourage everyone to register as soon as possible to take advantage of the discounted tuition. We also welcome you to recommend new students to EES. For every student you refer, both of you will receive a referral credit of $100.


For EES 2020 – 2021 school year academic calendar, please refer to this link:


Please stay safe and healthy!

Enlighten Enrichment School


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