Elective Class 2016 Spring Session

Schedule & Fee Registration Online & Pay at EES Office: Please register early! Classes may be cancelled if enrollment is low. We charge discounted price to current EES after school student. In the Fee column, the first one is for current EES after school student, the second one is for non-EES after school students. Fees must be paid in full before the first class
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Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving! Each classroom held all kinds of activities to create “thanks” from children’s hearts. See what they have done:

Happy Thanksgiving

感恩节就要到了! 启明课后学校将从11/20/2015(周五)开始,每个班级会以感恩节为主题安排学生的课间活动。借此节日,孩子们会体验感恩的快乐。 孩子们可以画火鸡,做火鸡,用秋天的色彩来装扮自己的教室。孩子们也会做感恩卡,感谢那些帮助和爱护他们的人。一张张温馨又友爱的感恩卡将送到他们最爱的人手里。 亲爱的家长们,敬请期待。 Thanksgiving is coming! Starting from 11/20/2015 (Friday), EES will hold all kinds of activities in each classroom. Children can draw turkey, make turkey and decorate their classroom using autumns’ colors. They will make cards to thank those love and help them in the past year. Cards with love and friendship will be sent out.

2015 “Halloween Party” at KTSF 26

Local TV broadcast channel KTSF 26 invited 11 students from Enlighten to participate in one of their popular talk shows “Talk Tonight”. Students were able to see how a TV show was recorded and made; they also got a chance to send their holiday’s wishes to everyone on TV. The show was first broadcasted on KTSF26 at 11:25pm, Friday, October.30th and rebroadcasted at 7:25pm
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启明第一届教学研讨会顺利召开。 启明学校自开办以来,在教学教研上不断进取,勇于创新。今年学校更是将平时的教学研讨规范化。10月16日上午启明全体教师在生动活泼的气氛中,展开了第一届教师研讨会。马璐娜老师,金淑珍老师,韩宗琳老师都做了非常精彩的发言。她们就如何提高课堂趣味性和高效性为大家做了全方位的授课演示。同时就如何兼顾不同程度的学生的问题大家展开了讨论。每位老师都受益匪浅。沈校长表示我们会定期地开展教师研讨会,让每位老师都能充分发挥自己的特长更可以让其他老师学习借鉴,使启明的教学质量可以扎扎实实地往前走。  

Pumpkin Day: Chinese Character Contest

南瓜节识字比赛 南瓜节就要到了,启明中文学校将组织一次别开生面的识字比赛。小朋友在有趣的活动中体验到识字的快乐。识字+小礼物=快乐的南瓜节!


南瓜节认字比赛 – 2014 启明中文学校一年一度的南瓜节认字比赛,以美国孩子们最喜欢的节日—南瓜节为背景,让孩子在活动中把学中文最艰难,最重要的认字词这一环节变得生动、有趣。 今年启明的南瓜节认字比赛更有趣,更好玩。 活动一:班内认字比赛。通过类似美国的拼字比赛,推陈出新,每个老师加上自己的天才发挥,让每个孩子都积极愉快地参与,温故知新,活学活用。 活动二:启明课后学校南瓜节欢乐认字活动 受复活节捡蛋游戏的启发,将字卡取代彩蛋分撒在操场上,孩子们分年级捡字卡,认字卡,领奖品。本次活动全程有四,五年级的学生组织,准备,和最后的评判发奖。孩子们在欢声笑语中,学习中文,学习领导才能,学习互相关爱。让寓教于乐在启明得到最好的诠释。

Elective Class– New Soccer Class (Mar.14 – May 23)

Children will be taught the basic fundamentals and tactics of the game of soccer through our small sided games curriculum.  Our team of trained coaches love teaching soccer and bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm to the soccer field.  Our classes teach kids of all ages in a high-energy, non-competitive program designed to encourage good sportsmanship and a love for sports.  We create
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Enlighten Weekend Event- Chinese New Year Celebration Event on Jan. 26th

Jan. 26th (Sunday) 2pm-4pm at Enlighten campus, a Happy Chinese New Year celebration event were held at the campus. 2014 Enlighten_Chinese New Year Celebration